Sunday, October 22, 2006

No news yet

I have had many emails from all of you asking if we had heard anything yet, and unfortinately, no we haven't. Will this be the week, we have no idea. It should if we have been going according to the past few months of referrals, but I am trying not to get my hopes up. I called CCAA and of course they aren't telling us anything. That is probably good as they don't give out rumors. However at this point, I need any rumors that I can get!!! I just want SOMETHING to go on!!! So will this be the week that we get to "meet" sweet Sophia?! I have no idea. I'm praying that it is and I know that my family is as well because I am driving them crazy!!!

Olivia and Chloe are doing well. They keep me pretty busy which is good. I'm trying to find a good picture of the two of them to post. I will try and get it up later tonight. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! I hope the wait is almost over!!!

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